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    企業性質: 民營企業

    成立時間: 2017-9-6



    所在區域: 上海市

      上海君文文化發展有限公司可優先選擇的誠信vip招聘單位證件已審核 可優先選擇!證件未審

      地址:浦東新區滬南路2419號 復地萬科活力城A座1515 





      YiXiangHui Rehabilitation Service CenterabbreviationYiXiangHui RSCis the first professional rehabilitation Internet platform which is devoted to the combination of sports and physiotherapy, contain with both online service and offline service in China. It brings top-ranking experts and talents in rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy and sports rehabilitation field on a national scale. In addition, YiXiangHui RSC cooperate with numerous professional rehabilitation departments, sports-medicine departments and sports rehabilitation institutions of third-grade hospital in China. With unique resource advantages which created by the platform, YiXiangHui RSC provide professional and authoritative sports injury assessment, sports injury protection/treatment, post-injury/post-operation rehabilitation, acute and chronic soft tissue pain counseling, consultation recommendation and rehabilitation schedule appointment to users.

      Hold related industry forums regularly is an important mission to YiXiangHui RSC With invite opinion leaders and elites of related industries and driven by data and advanced experience, we share market value and promote the popularization and application of advanced theory and technology. We will also invite institutions like sports universities, school of medicine, rehabilitation medicine research centers and national professional sports teams at home and abroad to customize our training courses for rehabilitation-related professionals, such as sports injury protectors, physical therapist 'skills training, AHA international first aid workers training etc. To carry out personnel training and continuing education, recommend rehabilitation industry talents with solid theory and excellent technology for different institutions.

      YiXiangHui RSC creates various communities according to individual needs, attracts users especially activates users through original high-quality content. Nowadays, YiXiangHui RSC has already covered six major cities in China such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Xiamen. It has reached strategic cooperation with many schools, government and enterprises, public welfare organizations and group organizations. We have integrated more than 100 sports rehabilitation institutions, including approximately 2000 registered and certified rehabilitation physicians, therapists and provide service for over 100,000 users. In the future, YiXiangHui RSC will expand its national business rapidly and contribute to the national strategy of "Healthy China". Furthermore, YiXiangHui RSC is determined become a rehabilitation housekeeper beside millions of families with various rehabilitation needs. "Getting hurt by sports injury? Come to us!"

      覆蓋6 大城市

      整合100 多家機構

      收錄2000 多名康復師

      服務10 萬名平臺用戶

      Covering 6 large cities

      Integrate more than 100 institutions

      More than 2000 rehabilitation practitioners are included

      Service 100,000 platform users





      IntegrationRehabilitation services industry resources and information

      AdvocatePhysical medicine combined with a healthy lifestyle

      AttentionUser experience and satisfaction

      ProvideQuality rehabilitation content and product services


      Business system







      Rehabilitation resource sharing and service reservation

      Event protection services

      Promotion of festival activities

      Lecture, salon, free clinic

      Training certification (sports injury protection, sports rehabilitation, AHA international first aid training, etc.)

      Business insurance of sports injuries


      Information consultation --- recommended to the store --- service feedback


      Service items


      Sports injury rehabilitation



      Acute sprain, muscle strain, ligament tear, meniscus injury, knee arthritis, ankle instability, Achilles tendon tear, Achilles tendonitis, and fracture postoperative physical therapy


      Sub-health and pain rehabiliation


      Sleep disorders, cervical spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, shoulder periodontitis, mother's hand, back pain, tenosynovitis, tennis elbow, knee osteoarthritis, and other acute and chronic soft tissue diseases


      Physique rehabilitation

      脊柱側彎、高低肩、含胸駝背、骨盆歪斜、長短腿、( X、O型腿)、扁平足

      Scoliosis, high and low shoulders, chest hunchback, pelvic skew, long and short legs, O-leg, X-leg, flat foot


      Postpartum rehabilitation

      產后形體恢復、 產后心理恢復、產后骨盆痛、產后關節腰背痛

      Postpartum physique recovery

      Postpartum psychological recovery

      Postpartum pelvic pain

      Postpartum joint, lumbar and back pain


      Platform features






      Rehabilitation encyclopedia: enable users to search questions according to the disease, access to rehabilitation information

      Q&A: one-on-one customer service to answer questions, recommend rehabilitation institutions, and track return visit

      Brand promotion: exhibit the organization/the feature of expert and the rehabilitation idea

      Case sharing: search corresponding rehabilitation cases by disease keywords, strengthen psychological intervention and psychological rehabilitation

      Brand cooperation: cooperate with well-known medical, education, sports, insurance institutions and other popular platforms to increase exposure





      What is a rehabilitation assessment?


      Rehabilitation assessment is a process of collecting the medical history and relevant data of the evaluation ob jects, putting forward the corresponding hypothesis, carrying out examination and measurement. Then comparing, synthesizing, analyzing and explaining the results, and finally forming a conclusion and drawing a diagnosis. In other words, rehabilitation assessment is the specialist examination of patients by the rehabilitation treatment team and the corresponding data are obtained. According to these rehabilitation assessment results, we are allowed to draw patients' data faces and let treatment teams have a more intuitive understanding of patients' dysfunction, and lay a foundation for rehabilitation treatment.

      無評估 不康復

      No assessment No rehabilitation


      Rehabilitation begins with assessment and ends with assessment


      Rehabilitation evaluation is an important part of rehabilitation treatment. The treatment team will understand patients' functional deficiencies through initial evaluation, and provide specialized, targeted and personalized rehabilitation treatment plans according to patients' conditions. With the functional training of patients with dysfunction in patients with gradually reduce, at this moment need after mid-term evaluation of patients with a new round of assessment, collection evaluation results of the present patients, treatment team according to the result of the new data for patients with a new round of assessment, reconsolidation rehabilitation in patients with data, for patient rehabilitation scheme to adjust accordingly, to improve the rehabilitation effect of patients. In the end, patients who have undergone a cycle of treatment should be assessed at the end of the rehabilitation cycle, in order to understand the health changing of patient themselves in the rehabilitation cycle. Meanwhile, it will provide strong data support for the determination of the treatment plan for the next rehabilitation cycle.


      Evaluation testing service


      Service ob jects: white-collar workers, sports fitness enthusiasts, professional athletes, patients with musculoskeletal pain and postoperative group


      Service purpose: In order to acquire professional and detailed evaluation of body physical function through professional equipment and dynamic- static-evaluation methods.


      Physical fitness assessments: athletic ability screening test, basic physical fitness test, Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

      疼痛評估(肩頸腰背膝) :痛點篩查、功能性動作篩查(FMS)

      Aches assessments (Focus on shoulder, neck, waist, back and knee): pain-point screening, Functional Movement Screen (FMS)


      Body form assessment: static and dynamic assessment of body posture

      運動損傷評估(含術后康復):損傷診斷和評估(含影像學判讀)、局部損傷評估、靜態評估、徒手肌力測試(MMT)關節活動度測量ROM)功能性動作篩查(FMS)Y平衡測試Y balance test)

      Assessment of sports injury (including postoperative rehabilitation): injury diagnosis and assessment (including imaging interpretation), local injury dynamic and static evaluation, Manual Muscle Test (MMT), range of motion (ROM), Functional Movement Screen (FMS), Y balance test


      Physical fitness and body form assessment: athletic ability screening test, basic physical fitness test, Functional Movement Screen (FMS), physical body form assessment


      Chronic pain and body posture assessment: pain-spot screening, nervous system reflex assessment, body posture assessment


      Comprehensive spinal assessment and posture assessment:

      1. 脊柱活動度評估、痛點篩查、神經系統反射評估、影像判讀

      1. Spinal mobility assessment, including pain-point screening, nervous system reflex assessment, scanning- image interpretation

      2. 人體生物力學檢測、動+靜態足底壓力分析、下肢平衡力分析、圖像綜合體態分析、2D足底掃描分析

      2. Human biomechanical test, including dynamic and static plantar pressure analysis, lower limb balance force analysis, comprehensive posture scanning-image analysis, 2D plantar scanning analysis


      Rehabilitation case


      Corporate white-collar worker


      Symptoms: discomfort in neck, shoulder and waist area


      Assessment results: prolonged sitting and muscle disorder been detected


      Before rehabilitation: ob ject feels dizzying, severe shoulder and waist pain


      After rehabilitation: the symptoms disappeared completely

      After recovery: the symptoms completely disappeared

      地址:浦東新區滬南路2419號 復地萬科活力城A座1515  路線
      Copyright ? 2024 www.kqzp.cn 口腔招聘網 版權所有
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